Rebecca | Co-Owner
Rebecca (or Becky) is a nerdy millennial gaming addict with massive crafting obsessions. She has spent 12+ years in the Supply Chain world - ugh adulting - but when she isn't working, there is either a game going, horror movie, crocheting some kind of project or heck, doing all at once.
Don't be so convinced though, Becky is a massive introverted extrovert that is constantly finding new adventures. Her obsession with National Parks and Traveling has grown in the past couple of years so don't be surprised if one day she is massively active online on her Instagram [ @suey_library ] then the next she isn't but then randomly updates her story with her travels.
Becky is also a HUGE advocate for mental health awareness. After struggling with her own mental health, she will be the support for other humans as they seek help. Remember, you are good enough and you are worthy!

Elizabeth | Co-Owner
Elizabeth (or Liz) is a wife, mom and bookish addict. She probably reads more than she sleeps or eats. Though her reading habits might seem questionable, she is a huge family gal. Planning trips with Rob, matching PJ's for Christmas and Halloween, and chasing her son, Braxton & her dog, Max around the house.
Ask her about her Essential Oil collection...
Liz is a HUGE advocate for families struggling with fertility. With her own IVF Journey after the birth of her son Braxton, she continues to be the support for friends, family members and online groups as that shoulder not only for emotional understanding but someone who can give the straight-to-your face answers because she's lived it.